Product Lists / Featured Products
All of our Online Shop Front design styles have an area on the homepage where you can feature products. This is known as a product list. The products list menu is found within the Web Shop content menu 'Content > Product Lists'.
If you've followed the quick start option when creating your ecommerce website you will see a list titled latest products, simply edit this list by clicking on the list name or the pencil icon:
In the next window, you can choose the type of list you want either automatically added by date i.e. latest products or manually selected/added by you.
If you want the control to pick and choose the products, select the Regular List (you can add products manually) then simply start to type the name of a product that you want to feature:
This will find products click the name in the list:
Continue to add more products by searching once you have your list you can change the order of the products using the 'drag bars' also you can remove items from the list using the X next to each product then save: